Under the Soaring Eagles Scholarship Program SESP, the Optiven Foundation has impacted needy students in Kakululo and Nzalae Secondary Schools in Kitui County. This is by awarding scholarships to needy children & donating examination materials to candidates.
As the foundation seeks to facilitate a smooth examination process especially for the form fours sitting the national KCSE Exams, segments of the society which continue to face myriad hurdles in access of and participation in basic education have become highly sought – after. This is in spite of the Foundation’s commitment to provide Education to needy children in Kenya.
Key amongst these is the complexity of the nature of impacts of poverty on Education for children in the Arid and semi arid areas.
This has led to poor performance in exams with some learners having fallen prey to prostitution, child abuse, crime, child labour among others in a bid to escape extreme poverty levels of their households. In so doing Poverty has become a stumbling block towards achievement of educational goals in Kenya.
Speaking during the empowerment exercise in Kitui County, Optiven foundation coordinator, Ann Nyaga applauded the philanthropic initiative – SESP programme which seeks to provide education benefiting needy but bright children.
The SESP programme’s vision is to impact and transform communities especially in poverty stricken areas by capitalizing on informing children of what they should think of school for posterity
The foundation coordinator called on teachers and parents to inform the pupils to utilize their time on hard work in studies & focus on aspirations that will transform their life positively.
Through the Foundation’s commitment on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Provision of Education & Poverty Alleviation pillars, Optiven Foundation looks forward to partner with philanthropists and stakeholders in eradicating poverty levels on education in the entire country
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