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So far admin has created 308 blog entries.

Is your home safe from pollution?

Like many others, we may think air pollution can be avoided indoors. But worldwide, more than 3 billion people are exposed to it within their own homes through cooking, heating and lighting with traditional fuels. These are fuels that can be


How Food Waste Is Harming Our Environment

One of the newest challenges is realizing that all food generates greenhouse gases to reach our plates – that is a fact. But when nearly a third of it is thrown away or wasted, does that mean we could be doing


World Wetlands Day | All You Need To Know

Today is the World Wetlands Day.  Why would such a day matter for you?  It may matter indirectly but for many it is a direct source of livelihood.  Today’s observation is aimed at raising global awareness on the important role wetlands


Hope For A Better Tomorrow

On the corner of a Nairobi street, a 10 year olds life begins the day with begging. He arrives early in the morning to take advantage of the reduced cost of traveling from the informal settlement that he calls home. Because


Optiven Foundation Empowers Ahead Of Unesco Education Day

Ngatataek Secondary school in Kajiado County was the beneficiary of donations courtesy of Optiven Foundation. The donations which included sanitary pads and foodstuff were donated at the school located in Kajiado County. The event which was also graced by local administration


Go Green Campaign Commences in Kajiado

The year 2021 is the year of positively impacting our environment. We must reduce carbon footprint, plant trees, construct Green buildings and reduce use of plastics. Both the Government of Kajiado and the National Government supported Optiven on its massive Go


Commitment to Going Green

The GoGreenNaOptiven Campaign seeks to not only change the way we live, but add value to the environment in which we live. With the current state of the environment, each action is needed to make the world a better place. We

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