
About admin

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So far admin has created 308 blog entries.

Mentorship can change the lives of graduates

  My friends and I are mulling over the phenomenon of lack of jobs that is fast making some achieving graduates to desperate measures in order to survive. What comes to mind in the interim is the sad case of the


We Are All Responsible For The Less Fortunate

The expanse of Kiambu County was the space to host the team from Optiven Foundation on 12th July 2019. The event was a special meet up between beneficiaries of the Mobility to Smile Campaign at Karuhiti Village in Githunguri Kiambu County.


Optiven Foundation Gives a Smile in Nyamira

  Peter Obwoge is a 50 years old Kenyan and a father of 5 who lives in Nyamira County, Kenya. Peter though, contracted polio when he was an infant and has been immobile all his life. The tides have now changed


Education Can Be Enhanced With More Reading

As an author and an avid reader I derive great satisfaction in learning from every day experiences.  However, nothing prepares my knowledge box from receiving new information than in reading books – the old school texts in different writings. I look


Foundations Offering Education Scholarships

Optiven Group Foundation will be awarding 2019 scholarships through Soaring Eagles Scholarship Programme (SESP) to needy KCPE candidates in counties all over the Country. We do our best to support as many as we can but the needy candidates are many.


It takes all of us To Fight HIV And Aids

The world today observes the 30th edition of the World Aids Day. The day is observed to raise awareness about the disease and implement ways in which to fight against HIV infection. The day is a time for the community at

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