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So far admin has created 308 blog entries.

Optiven Foundation visits KIOTA children’s home at Ruai

It was extremely humbling to share early Christmas with KIOTA children's home at Ruai.Thanks to the team on ground from Legal department who facilitated this noble initiative by partnering with Optiven Foundation to donate various assorted commodities to the vulnerable children.


Feed One More in Samburu

Optiven Foundation was in Samburu on a mission of giving relief assistance to the residents facing starvation. The team is doing this through distributing food to the people at Samburu and Tamiyoi primary schools on a #FeedOneMore program.  Following an increase


Join us to Feed One More

Following the scarcity of rain in the Kenya's Arid and Semi- (ASAL) region, a severe drought in at least 40 years has hit the region leaving at least 4.2 million Kenyans in need of humanitarian assistance. On 5th November, Optiven Foundation


Optiven Foundation In Partnership With Upside Trust

TVET SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME FOR DESERVING NEEDY STUDENTS On23rd October 2022, Optiven Foundation visited the Nyeri National Polytechnic to assess and offer support to the students through their Soaring Eagles Scholarship Program for Technical Vocational Education and Training(TVET). Quality education is under

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